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Recruit Training Topics
Defensive Tactics Training
Richard Barnes taught Aikido at the PCYC for recruits - circa 1978
Des Morrison from Correctional Services taught Pressure Point Control Tactics PPCT in the 1980's
Mick Brennan, Dave Duffield, Sam Robinson and others taught police defensive tactics based on PPCT.
A Victorian Police package resulting from "Operation Beacon" was introduced in the 1990's with a cadre of part time instructors monitored by the Operational Safety Tactics Training Section - OSTT
The Beacon package was replaced in 2013 delivered by the Operational Safety Section (OSS - renamed from the OSTT in ? and merged with Driver Training)
Driver Training and Traffic Operations
Firearms Training
In the 1980's firearm training was conducted by members of the Territory Response Group. The training was only a one day program and involved limited rounds fired by the students.
In 1994 the NT Police converted to the Glock Pistol (model 22 .40S&W and model 27 compact). At the time Senior Constables Mick Brennan and Tim Lloyd were in charge of firearm training and responsible for the transition from revolvers to semi - automatic pistols. They organised an instructor course with Frank DiNuzzo (former Chief Firearm Instructor for New York State Police and Chief Instructor for Glock Inc.) as a visiting instructor and trained a cadre of part time instructors. Training was expanded to an 11 day program to encompass developments in modern firearm training as a perishable physical skill and involved thousands of rounds fired and incorporation of dynamic movement and the integration of firearm training with other force options and principles of conflict resolution. One of the students on that initial Glock course was Greg Hansen who went on to be the OIC of the OSTT Unit and Senior Firearms Instructor. The same package with only minor modification is still (current 2013) in operation.
Legislation Training
Cross Cultural Training
Search Training
Operational Safety Tactics Training
In 1996 an Armoury was constructed. This increased the capacity for the repair and modification of firearms and other operational safety equipment, manufacture of ammunition and the purchase and control of all related stores. From the time of the Port Arthur massacre there was a national gun 'buy back' which was facilitated by Northern Territory Police and also resulted in the destruction of many surplus police firearms.
In 1997 the NT Police adopted the 'Project Beacon' defensive tactics training package replacing the Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT) program that it had previously been using. The unit was now formally known as the OSTT unit and responsibility was transferred to the PFES College.
Shortly afterward a Tactical Communication training package known as 'Verbal Judo' was introduced to recruit and inservice training. It was replaced in 2008 with the Tactical Communication package developed by Victoria Police.
In October 1999 Command Training Coordinator positions were established in Darwin and Alice Springs to meet the increasing demands of training.
In 2001 formal use of force statistical reporting was introduced in line with national trends and international agreements.
The NT Police Armoury became a distinct unit and expanded its inventory as new 'less lethal' technologies were introduced and played an important role in providing advice on equipment procurement across the range of operational safety equipment.
Police Operational Safety Tactics Training
Operational Safety Training Includes
Firearm Training
Glock model 22 (model 27 for plain clothes members)
Remington 870 pump action shotgun
7.62mm /.308 cal rifle (Remington model 700 and Brno model 601)
Defensive Tactics Training
Incident Management Training
Aerosol Subject Restraint - Oleoresin Capsiacin (OC)
Tactical Communication and Conflict Resolution
Training Equipment
Firearm Training Simulator
Redman Suit
Higear Suit
All police recruits are trained in basic Public Order Response Tactics. Some members are selected to do advanced training and be part of the Public Order Response Team. This is not a full time section but a collection of trained members brought together when needed.