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STAUNTON, Patrick Francis


Patrick Francis STAUNTON was a former light-horseman who joined the NT Police and served in the NT Police force at locations such as Wave Hill

Military Details Regimental number 256 Religion Roman Catholic Occupation Labourer Marital status Single Age at embarkation 44 Next of kin Brother, Andrew Staunton, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Enlistment date 24 September 1914 Rank on enlistment Private Unit name 5th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron AWM Embarkation Roll number 10/10/1 Embarkation details Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A34 Persic on 21 December 1914 Rank from Nominal Roll Private Unit from Nominal Roll 5th Light Horse Regiment Fate Returned to Australia 31 October 1915 Buried Gardens Road Staunton Patrick Francis 1 Sep 1937 67y b. Sth Africa; labourer; unmarked 926


The two articles below are from TROVE - an excellent resource by the National Library Australia for searching book, articles and newspapers. Links to actual documents attached.


Patrick , Francis Staunton, a well-known identity, was found dead on Tuesday evening at the foot of a steep cliff near the Darwin Oval. He had evidently fallen over the cliff and -broken his neck. Deceased had beenmissing for several days, and was, found by a party of black trackers. The late Paddy Staunton was a.South-African by birth, having been,born at Port Elizabeth 67 years ago. When the Great War broke out he enlisted and served as a trooper of the 5th Australian Light Horse. Coming to the Territory, he joined the police force and for several years was stationed at various inland centres, including Wave Hill. Deceased was later employed as a wharf labourer for a number of years, until reaching the retiring age. The funeral took place on Thursday morning, many of his former work mates .and members of theDarwin branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. being present The pall bearers were T. Healy and P. Love (Waterside Workers), J. Young, J. McDonald, Alf Stone and 'Ted White (ReturnedSoldiers): At the graveside Bugler W. Ronald, of the Garrison, sounded the Last Post. Among many others, wreaths were sent by the Returned Soldiers and Waterside Workers. CORONER'S INQUIRY DEATH OF P. F. STAUNTON The inquest last week into , thedeath of Patrick Francis Stauntonpensioner, was adjourned untilThursday in an endeavour to obtainfurther evidence as to deceased's whereabouts from Thursday nightuntil Saturday. Although deceasedwas certified to have been dead lessthan five days, but had been missingsince Thursday night, 26th August, two cricketers on the Saturday afternoon, who descended the cliffsin search of a lost cricketball, and who had, approached towithin 15 yards of where deceased's,body had been found, stated theyhad seen no sign of the body norhad they detected any smell. Evidence was given by Albert Ed-ward Courtney, Neil McEwan, G.W. Michell, John O'Brien, Tracker Charlie, and Dr. Fothergill. It was stated that at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 26th August, Staunton left his room at McEwan's houseand said he was going into town to get some meat from the butcher.He did not return, and on the 30thAugust. McEwan reported him mis-sing. On the Thursday night hewas in the Don Hotel, and follow-ing an argument there with Court- ney because of his interference withthe customers, deceased left in com- pany with Michell. They wentto the Club Hotel, but because oftheir intoxicated condition, O'Brienrefused to serve them. They left the hotel, and after descending the steps Staunton walked to the cor-ner near the Esplanade and Michellleft him. As far as was ascertainedno one had seen him since then.On Tuesday evening Tracker Char-lie went to the cricket oval. He looked over the cliff and saw the body of a man lying there. He then reported the matter to Mrs. Stretton. Dr. Fothergill held a post mortemand found that death had been dueto a fractured neck. Albert Allwright and P. Binet on Saturday, August 28, were down thecliff searching for a cricket ball and although they approached to within 15 yards - of where the body wasfound they had not noticed it.


Other references for review:

Australian War Memorial link

Mapping our Anzacs Record

*NB NTPM dossiers and database still to be checked for additional information.


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The society expresses its gratitude for the considerable help and support it receives from the
Northern Territory Police Force and the Northern Territory Police Association.


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