In the College record there are no details for Squad 1 or Squad 2. There does not seem to be room for a squad between the unnumbered Squad dated 22 September 1969 which ended with (Michael Gwynn, Reg no. 410) and Squad 3 dated 2 March 1970 (which started with AR Boult, Reg no. 411).
In the NTPMHS database Reg. No. 410 is D Michael Gwin who is listed as commencing on 29/9/1969 just 7 days after the 22 September Squad. This is different to the spelling Michael GWYNN listed in that squad photo and it seems likely that he joined the squad a week later and graduated with them. The spelling is likely to just be an error.
In any case both Squad 1 and Squad 2 either seem not to have existed or maybe should be associated with some of the previously unnumbered squads.
Possibly Squad 1 = 22 September 1969 and Squad 2 = 14 July 1969