Squads before numbering
Commenced 14 July 1969
The NTPMHS database shows Reg. No.s from 376 to 389
14/07/1969 Bathe Patricia A 376 PO 12/2/70 633 205 14/07/1969 Berts Stewart A 377 PO 1/21/73 634 206 14/07/1969 Bishop Stanley James 378 PO 3/14/75 635 207 14/07/1969 Colebrook Keith 379 PO 12/6/02 636 208 14/07/1969 Doyle G L 380 PO 9/7/70 637 209 14/07/1969 Fagg Christopher M 381 PO 8/25/77 638 210 14/07/1969 Fricker Barry D 382 PO 4/17/72 639 211 14/07/1969 Hardiman Geoffrey F 383 PO 4/4/78 640 1026 14/07/1969 Morrison Iain Patterson 384 PO 4/19/02 641 1531 14/07/1969 Riggs Kevin Ronald 385 PO 642 1871 14/07/1969 Savage Bronte W 386 PO 12/1/71 643 1946 14/07/1969 Sillman Anthony Charles Peberdy 387 PO 5/4/94 644 1991 14/07/1969 Williams Peter Robert 388 PO 5/10/85 645 2324 14/07/1969 Wilson William Richard 389 PO 10/7/96 646 2342
Photo here
Back Row (L to R) Keith COLEBROOK, Stewart BERTS, Bill WILSON, Bronte SAVAGE, Kevin RIGGS, Geoff HARDIMAN, Tony SILLMAN, Chris FAGG.
Middle Row (L to R) Graham DOYLE, Barry FRICKER, Iain MORRISON, Pat BATHE, Stan BISHOP, Peter WILLIAMS.
Front Row (L to R) Inspector Alan Metcalfe, Commissioner Bill McLaren, Inspector Roger Textor.