Squads before numbering
Commenced 21 April 1969
The NTPMHS database shows Reg. No.s from 358 to 370 (369 is missing)
21/04/1969 Armistead Barry Leslie 358 PO 6/21/84 616 200 21/04/1969 Boles Jan H 359 PO 11/24/69 617 201 21/04/1969 Carrail Jan E 360 PO 12/1/69 618 202 21/04/1969 Donoghue Richard Garry 361 PO 11/18/88 619 203 21/04/1969 Forster Malcombe R 362 PO 5/25/71 620 204 21/04/1969 Josephs William Edward 363 PO 11/1/00 621 1236 21/04/1969 Manzie Daryl William 365 PO 11/15/83 622 1440 21/04/1969 McIntyre Donald Colin 364 PO 11/23/76 623 1588 21/04/1969 Nichol John James 366 PO 1/9/86 624 1653 21/04/1969 Quill Peter D 367 PO 8/20/73 625 1830 21/04/1969 Sandeman Paul Glas 368 PO 1/30/74 626 1935 21/04/1969 Spiteri William Anthony 371 PO 8/21/87 627 2058 21/04/1969 Supple Michael J 372 PO 7/13/69 628 2106 21/04/1969 Von Hoff Wayne M 373 PO 629 2228 21/04/1969 Wilson James Andrew 374 PO 6/26/85 630 2334 21/04/1969 Yanner Raymond T 375 PO 2/8/70 631 2381 24/04/1969 Simpson Peter George 370 PO 6/30/72 632 1998
Photo here
Back Row (L to R) Peter SIMPSON, Barry ARMISTEAD, Darryl MANZIE, Ray YANNER, Don McINTYRE, Eddie JOSEPHS, Peter QUILL, Mal FORSTER. Middle Row (L to R) Mike SUPPLE, Paul SANDEMAN, Jack NICHOL, Garry DONAGHOE, Andy WILSON, Wayne VON HOFF. Front Row (L to R) Jan BOLES, Bill SPITERI, Sergeant 3/C John Taylor, Sergeant 1/C Frank Cronshaw, Inspector Roger Textor, Constable Kevin Kettle, Jan CARRAIL