Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign up for membership?
What are the benefits of membership?
The benefits are:
Access to the information and items collected
Subscription to the Citation magazine
Being part of the effort to preserve this rich history.
What services does the NTPMHS offer?
The society does endeavour with its limited resources to assist other non profit bodies and families of members to find what they are looking for without charge.
In other circumstances it may be possible to engage research services for an hourly fee by negotiation.
Do you have any other merchandise?
What are the membership fees?
What historical items does the NTPMHS collect?
The collection includes:
a wide variety of items used in police service from uniforms to communications equipment
'oral history' recordings made by members regarding their time in the force.
Photograph collection both physical and digital.
Collection of documents and archival material.
How can I get a copy of photographs?
Photographs can be provided at cost in appropriate circumstances or as part of collection exchange with similar organisations.
You should outline what you are seeking in an email and an estimation of costs can be provided.